Cash, Candy & Cousins

We are implementing a new chore system with an allowance for the first time, and last weekend the kids cashed in on candy.

As a parent I typically take issue with chore charts. They end up becoming a part time job for me, ensuring each chore gets done by the right child and then nagging said child when it does not. This kind of structure is stressful for the unstructured mom (that would be me). With the exception of the life-changing morning routine I created by forcing myself to become an early riser, I don’t naturally tend toward structure. I am a planner but also spontaneous and will change plans at the drop of a hat without looking back (much to Zach’s everlasting exasperation). We haven’t been doing this system very long but so far it is working out a lot better than past attempts.

The chores and allowance system goes like this – Gracie and Caleb each start the week with a theoretical $5 and Lily with $1. Over the course of the week when I ask them to do stuff around the house, if they do not do it they lose $1 or for Lily $0.25. I mark the deduction on the whiteboard I use. Chores include

  • taking out the trash
  • emptying the dishwasher
  • filling the dishwasher
  • putting away clean clothes
  • cleaning up the house
  • yard work

Sunday is payday. I keep a wad of $1 bills stashed away and then pay them. $2 goes to a spend envelope, $1 goes to share, and $2 goes to save. Their household responsibilities, and consequently their pay scale, will change as they get older, Once their savings bulk up we will open kids savings accounts for them at our bank. We have only been doing this for a couple weeks, but so far so good. I will let you know how it’s going in a couple months though.

Getting to spend their allowance at Candyology is definitely a motivating factor.

We had such a fun day downtown together as a family. #workhardplayhard

Zach was helping Lily do pull ups at the park.

Lily asked to return the favor.

I quote, “Mommy, look at my big girl biceps.”

So sweet to spend an evening playing with friends who also happen to be family. One of the last summer nights until school starts for them this week.

There is so much happening behind the scenes to get Early Morning Habit ready to launch early 2024. You can sign up for the pioneer group waiting list now to be the first to try it for a significant discount! I frequently stand in awe of the opportunities God is providing for this program, and I cannot wait to share all the details with you. In order to focus fully on this we are pausing the imPERFECTly emPOWERed podcast production of season 3 until January. I was so thankful for my gracious guests who were scheduled for earlier who are ready to roll come 2024. And a thank you to my listeners who have been so supportive. Amazing things are coming, and I am grateful to be a steward of God’s blessings. Have an amazing weekend friends!

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