Hi, I’m Ahna!
(pronounced like the Frozen princess)
I am a wanna-be Wonder Woman thriving by the grace of Jesus and copious amounts of coffee (sans the 20-inch waist, hero hair, and superhuman strength).
although I can carry 15 bags of groceries in one trip
I am passionate about helping women to rise.
A dual-certified nurse practitioner with 10 years of emergency medicine experience, I want to empower you with practical, data-driven strategies to rise emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually well, fulfilling your God-given purpose with more confidence and joy – one imperfect day at a time.
Whether you join me in the Early Morning Habit™, a premier virtual program helping busy women revitalize faith and fitness with a morning routine that starts each day with God’s Word and a workout while offering hope to a child waiting to be adopted into a forever family, on my top-rated health & fitness podcast, imPERFECTly emPOWERed®, or on the blog at ahnafulmer.com, you will be inspired to embrace imperfection as perfectly beautiful and mistakes as part of your unmistakable uniqueness. Because your story matters and YOU ARE LOVED.
“What’s A Blog?”
I asked my husband, Zach, one fall night in 2018 after another unfulfilling shift as a nurse practitioner in emergency medicine. My question followed his statement that I could make a career blogging about our home renovations after listening to my 10-minute tirade on the futility of our medical system.
After 2 Masters in Nursing, 8 years of emergency medicine, and 4 years as the assistant medical director of 2 stroke programs, a much-needed creative outlet was born at HammersNHugs.com, a DIY lifestyle blog sharing our family’s adventures.
I never imagined how that little corner of the world wide web would change my life. Keep scrolling to join me on a walk down memory lane.
Walk Down Memory Lane
Join the Virtual HEAlth Program Helping Busy Women
Revitalize Faith & Fitness
With A Morning Revival That Starts Each Day With God’s Word & A Workout
Early Morning Habit app
A research-backed 6-week course proven to help you sleep better, rise earlier, stress less, feel stronger, and strengthen your faith.