I love wrapping presents.

I light candles, drink espresso, blare Christmas music, and enjoy the anticipation of Christmas morning. There is little that causes me greater Christmas consternation, however than when I’m painstakingly folding the last bit of wrapping paper over the most awkwardly shaped gift in the world [that has already consumed 25 minutes of my day] when it rips. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t cause the excessive sense of agitation I feel except when it is the 10th time it’s happened due to wrapping paper being the equivalent in quality to the 1-ply toilet paper we all suffered from in 2020.

Like many of you hardworking holiday heroes, I suffered in silence until a couple of years ago I discovered Costco’s amazing wrapping paper #notanad. You have to buy a million linear feet of the stuff, but it is totally worth it for a happy Mrs. Clause.

In all seriousness, it’s these little frustrations that build up and start to feel overwhelming for those of us responsible for bringing the holiday cheer this time of year. I challenge you busy mommas out there to set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier each morning this week and enjoy the calm of the quiet by the fire or your Christmas tree.

“This is how you look stylish,” said Lily when I asked her why she was dancing around our kitchen with Zach’s sunglasses and a baseball cap on. She never ceases to entertain.

Zach and I got our first date night out in some time, and we went to Lititz Springs Inn for dinner, formally known as the General Sutter Inn. The sticky toffee bread pudding is one of my favorite local desserts, but otherwise, I can’t say this is my top restaurant recommendation in Lititz. It was ok. One of these days I will do a Lititz favorites post, and then a Lancaster County favorites post.

Zach’s smile was the first thing I noticed about him. Those adorable big dimples probably had something to do with it ๐Ÿ™‚

Because I have already lost a best friend to cancer I am always reminding our kids to thank Jesus for the friends in their lives because you cannot take them for granted.

Gracie told me she has two “best-best” friends and then proceeds to list her “best” friends.

I am also grateful for her “best best” friends that she got to have another sleepover with last weekend!

Can you believe we have ANOTHER sister’s wedding in the books for 2023?! Zach’s sister, Aubrey, just got engaged and we are so happy for her and Chip!

There is SO MUCH happening behind the scenes in preparation to launch my new program, Early Morning Habit, coming to the public in the fall of 2023. A proprietary program that will be on an app to help busy women, moms (and grandmoms!) feel fabulous and thrive with the ultimate health hack – an early morning routine. The program will include sleep rehab, quiet time practices, exercise accountability, and easy fashion formulas contributed by pro makeup artists, hairdressers, and clothing stylists to equip us busy women to beautify on the fly and feel AMAZING doing it. Every woman who successfully completes the program will be given money back to give forward to an adopting mom to help cover adoption expenses. Invest in you. Impact her. Women empowering women to change the world. I cannot wait to bring you, ladies, along for this ride.

Early Morning Habit

In an effort to make this program as applicable, relevant, and transformative as possible I need approximately 30 women who are willing to join my pioneer group that will run for 6 weeks March-April 2023. I need women who embrace the mission and the message of this program, can give constructive feedback, and are ready to help pioneer the first-ever program of its kind. There will be lots of freebies including the opportunity to nominate the first adoptive moms to benefit from the program. Each woman in the pioneer group will be able to nominate one adoptive mom who will be able to do the program for free AND be approved to receive funds from the Early Morning Habit when it launches live in the fall. Each woman in the pioneer group will also be automatically approved for the generous referral program. If you are interested in getting more details about the pioneer group or would consider joining, then please enter your email HERE. This is not a commitment, but merely a sign of interest.

This week on the blog, I shared my birchwood centerpiece. Set a beautiful winter woodland tablescape for the holidays with this easy, budget-friendly DIY!

If you’re hosting lots of gatherings this week, I also shared my easy charcuterie board guide on the blog and podcast. With a full menu, serving sizes, and assembly instructions, save time with this essential guide to an easy charcuterie board!

Perfect for your next holiday get-together, the secret ingredient in this fruit salad โ€“ vanilla pudding โ€“ provides a creamy richness that will make everyone ask for more fruit.

And if you’re in need of a last-minute stocking stuffer idea (like very last-minute), this Iron In a Bottle is perfect. Never iron again! Check out the amazing before and afters. Just spray, whip, and smooth! 

Letโ€™s check out more inspiration from this weekโ€™s Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop!

Give “regular” peanut butter cookies an easy, elegant and amazingly tasty flair with these salted dark chocolate dipped peanut butter cookies.

And these gingerbread reindeer cookies will surely be a hit with friends and family!

Bring on glam for the holidays! These โ€˜dippedโ€™ gilded ornaments are made using solid maple wood balls, chalk and metallic paints, and gold and copper leaf!

 If you have lots of decorations that make you feel overwhelmed and stressed out, learn how to declutter holiday decorations in just a few simple steps.

These no-bake New Years’ Eve treats are quick and easy to make. When you add some gold and silver decorations on top, theyโ€™re the perfect way to celebrate the new year.

This easy peppermint fudge is made with sweetened condensed milk and is super simple to make.

Have a happy holiday weekend!

Ahna Fulmer Signature

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