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Fueling Body & Soul To Play A Bigger Game 

Markus Kaulius shares his journey from a fledgling entrepreneur to a fitness industry behemoth in our latest episode. Get ready to absorb the wisdom from Marcus’s life-altering epiphanies, and learn how a belief in oneself can not only move mountains but can also construct empires from the ground up.

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In this conversation, Markus delves into the intricate dance between nature and nurture, and how our daily choices can carve out our destiny. Whether it’s adopting a morning routine, the art of journaling, or integrating fitness into your daily life, this episode serves up a hearty dose of practical advice to nourish your entrepreneurial spirit or simply guide you towards a more balanced, healthier life.

Markus also introduces us to his passion project, playabiggergame.com, and extends a heartfelt invitation to join a community where the pursuit of one’s highest potential isn’t just a dream, but a shared mission. Strap in for a conversation that might just redefine your understanding of success, faith, and what it truly means to live a life that’s not just about playing the game, but playing it bigger.

About Markus Kaulius

Markus Kaulius is an 8-figure serial entrepreneur and the founder of multiple 8 and 9-figure businesses. Over his 25-plus year career, he grew his supplement company from startup to $170 Million and helped clients worldwide lose over 3 million pounds. He has impacted the lives of over 10 million people. 

As a thought leader in the industry, he advises multiple 8 & 9-figure companies on growth strategy and has been featured in major media such as PBS, Fox News, Apple TV, and CNN. Markus’s name is now in the Guinness Record Book as he recently spoke at a conference on financial literacy which broke the attendance record.

With an online following of over 300K, Markus shares daily insights with his community spanning business strategy, mindset, health, and faith. Through his new venture, playabiggergame.com, Markus is bringing together the world’s greatest minds and sharing lessons learned from his entrepreneurial journey to help other high achievers break free from imbalance and feelings of discontent so they can find fulfillment beyond career success.

Connect with Markus

Instagram/Facebook: @markuskaulius 

Website: www.playabiggergame.com
*Use code EMPOWEREDFREEMONTH for 2 free months.

Markus’ Protein and supplement suggestion: https://magnumsupps.com/en-us

Mom, What’s For Dinner? – A podcast for parents who need help navigating the muddy waters of feeding their kids.

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