Singing & Shakespeare

From singing at fundraisers to light summer reading (said no one about Shakespeare), here is a little of life lately.

Last weekend Gracie and I had the privilege of speaking and singing for the dedication of CAVOD Performing Arts’ new dance, acting, and music center in Manheim, Pennsylvania.

The new building is beautiful with a cafe and several gorgeous studios, and seeing Gracie’s sweet little self on the wall makes it sparkle even more.

Image: CAVOD Performing Arts

They had a fun open house which included lots of free food . . .

…and cotton candy ice cream.

I enjoyed this inspiring night speaking and singing at a local fundraiser for a large group of bike-riding entrepreneurs.

The estate was simply beautiful and it shouldn’t surprise me that I am related to the owner. He showed me the family tree himself.

As a young entrepreneur, it was truly an inspiration to see how this group of men and women live and give with intention.

A beautiful evening shared with even more beautiful hearts.

Including that cutie.

Speaking of cuties, this lawn care assistant is about the cutest around.

The manager isn’t hard to look at either.

We do a lot of reading around here. Caleb decided to pick up one of my old copies of Shakespeare and read through Titus Andronicus. Just some light summer reading for anyone who likes depressing storylines with language 5 centuries old.

In summer fun more my style, we capitalized on the last week with no school for these cuties and had girl time after a morning at the pool.

Daddy’s helmet is the accessory of the day. That face + motorcycle = trouble.

This week was a step back into work as I wrapped up a two day virtual conference tightening up my keynote presentation for my new health & fitness program, Early Morning Habit (coming early 2024)!

Empowering women to revitalize with scientifically proven self-care. Let’s rise.

Every time my kids as to do a stand in the summer I wonder if it will be worth it, and I always underestimate human kindness.

UPS drivers, local police, plumbers on a nearby call, and neighbors alike stopped to buy their homemade lemonade.

So whether you want to do a lemonade stand, read through Shakespeare, or live and give with intention – do it with the confidence of a 4 year old in a batman t-shirt. And remember YOU ARE LOVED.

Have a lovely rest of your weekend friends!

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