Woohoo!! It’s FINALLY here!ย  Come check out the GRAND OPENING of my new website and be sure to scroll to the end for a $100 Amazon e-gift card giveaway!!


Photo courtesy of Anne Zirkle Photography

It’s finally here! For those of you who have been following along on Instagram, then you know I have been patiently (or not so patiently let’s be real) waiting for my new website reveal!!
And today is the day!!!!
HnH Blog Header_720px

Brand and logo design courtesy of Jen Gregory, VS

I found this fabulous new tech guy to help me out (IMarkInteractive) and I limited myself to only 143,561 questions as this new website was set up.ย  It was hard, but I just sat back and let him do his thing.ย  Without interfering.ย  Or trying to do it myself.ย  I was super chill about it.
Ok I’m lying.ย  Our email thread has 101 emails between us ๐Ÿ™‚ย  #reallife
As you can imagine we will probably experience some start up glitches, so as you browse around please shoot me a DM on Instagram or an email if you notice any links not working properly etc. We are still getting all the kinks worked out!

For the most up to date information on all things here at Hammers N Hugs be sure to follow me on Instagram and regularly check out my IG stories. I am not as present on Facebook, so Instagram or email will always be the best way to reach me.


Photo courtesy of Anne Zirkle Photography

A couple weeks ago I went to Waco, TX for a blogger/influencer retreat called The Social Gathering, and I got to meet all of these lovely ladies who taught me SO much.
I learned how to provide a better blogging platform for YOU.ย  How to pitch project ideas to brands (I’m looking at you Home Depot), and had lots of fun in the process!
Waco is a super fun little town with family owned restaurants and shops everywhere. We stayed at The Green Door Loft, and I cannot recommend it enough.
Jim, the owner, is an interventional radiologist (translation – a doctor who does stuff with needles while looking at a computer screen ;-), and he has done an amazing job with this place.ย  Look at that door in the picture above!!
I stayed in the Tuna Loft. Can you guess why it’s called that?ย  Let’s zoom in a little.
See the tuna fish?
The whole place was stunning and was within walking distance to everything downtown including Magnolia.
Speaking of Magnolia I got to visit the silos, Magnolia Shop, and Magnolia Press.
I stayed far away from the bakery and the restaurant this time because we were fed so well on the retreat that I wasn’t sure I would return home the same pant size! Ha.
The food was delicious.ย  That spread was from Mad Dash Mixes.ย  AMAZING.
I highly recommend a getaway to Waco, and in fact, if you keep an eye on my Instagram stories there may be a giveaway coming up in the next week or so that you don’t want to miss ๐Ÿ˜‰
HnH Logo_05-HeartTitle-1Color3

Brand and logo design courtesy of Jen Gregory, VS

I have also been prepping for another blogging conference – the nationally renowned Haven Conference for DIY home and decor bloggers/influencers. It is usually in Atlanta, GA, but this year it will be virtual.
I entered two contests and below are the video presentations that are in the running if you want to check them out!
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The Rustoleum spray paint competition.ย  #rospraypaint
[wpvideo TEoWcIi4]
The Orange Tank project pitch competition with Home Depot.
Fingers crossed!
Regardless of the outcome I had fun creating both!

Photo courtesy of Anne Zirkle Photography

As you can see although my blog has been in reno mode for the last 2 weeks, I haven’t been laying on the couch with a bag of potato chips all day (well, at least not EVERY day).
I am SO excited for all that is to come, but most importantly, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.ย  Seriously.ย  In the blogging world, if people don’t come hang out with you at your site, then it is impossible to generate the revenue to keep it going.
If you’re here, then I can be here!ย  And to be honest, we love sharing life with you.
THANK YOU for hanging out here and joining in our fun.

To celebrate this grand opening I want to give away a $100 Amazon E-Gift card to one lucky winner!

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Be sure to enter below!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Untitled presentation (8) - Edited

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  1. Congrats on your new brand, Ahna! And I’m just a wee (ok, a LOT) bit jealous of your Waco trip and being able to learn from such wonderful ladies! KariAnne is amazing!

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