Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

Farmhouse Style Small Bedroom Remodel

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Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

Farmhouse Style Small Bedroom Remodel

Hi friends!  If you are joining us today from What’s Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay then welcome!  Today I am reminiscing about last year at this time when exactly ONE YEAR ago we settled on our third fixer upper that we have fondly named the French Country Cottage. 

One year ago Zach and I spent a week in Hawaii (check out Our Hawaii Trip Part 1 and Hawaii Trip Part 2), and then we hit the freezing cold ground running here in Lancaster, PA and 2 days later settled on this cute little house.   

If you want to see more before and after renovation pics of our French Country Cottage fixer upper, then click HERE!

But for now, let’s get to what I’m excited about which is our master bedroom remodel including an open-concept double closet with reclaimed barn beams. 

Don’t miss the video tour at the end!

Farmhouse Style Small Bedroom Remodel


Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation

The couple that owned this house before us were apparently here for nearly 60 years.

Before and After French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation


Farmhouse Style Small Bedroom Remodel



The first thing that needed to happen was remove the ancient carpet and expose that beautiful oak plank hardwood flooring that we found on the whole 2nd floor and down the stairs!  < Insert my happy dance here >

So this was Lily’s gig EVERY time we rolled up carpet in this house.  She would flip herself over the roll and then pretend to fall asleep on the other side.   Where did that come from?  Why do I have such strange children?  I have asked myself this many times.  Many.  Many.  Times.

Before and After French Country Farmhouse Bedroom REnovation

Next, the laborious task of removing every single carpet staple.  There were about 3,562 of them in this room alone.


Thankfully I had my super cute little helper to keep me company and continually confiscate my flat head.

Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation

Staples gone!


Now it’s time for our fabulous floor guy, Kevin, who also did our floors at the Vintage Victorian by the way (see them here!).

Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation

Keep an eye on that closet space.  Picture Closet Maid meets Paul Bunyan.  Keep reading.

Farmhouse Style Small Bedroom Remodel



My father-in-law who does most of our painting!


Primer is on!


Farmhouse Style Small Bedroom Remodel



Floors are done!!  Have you read Choosing the Best Farmhouse Style Floor Stain?  It was one of the top viewed posts on my blog in 2019, and if you are thinking of refinishing your hardwood floors, then it’s a post you do not want to miss!  I also share the mix of stains I chose for our floor!

Farmhouse Style Small Bedroom Remodel

Open- Concept Closet


Creating an open concept closet is a great small bedroom idea to help open the room and maximize your space. All the details on how we did this open-concept closet can be found here

Zach cut out these 150 year barn beams himself (hello, Paul Bunyan), and we hauled them up here and survived several near death experiences installing them.

Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation

But now for Closet Maid!!  Find the system we used here!!


How we all feel when we realize the included instructions aren’t helpful at all.

Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation

That actually was not the case with the Closet Maid system, and it was a pretty painless process!


Caleb hard at work.


As per the usual, it was a family affair.  IE: If we can see the kids, then we know they are still alive and the house remains in one piece . . .


Voila!  This open-concept design has really helped our bedroom feel bigger than it is.

Before and After French Country Farmhouse Style Bedroom Renovation

The Finishing Touches

Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation

Painting the trim.  In this house we used Mayonnaise by BM.

Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation

My dad installing this fan light!  I love this fan because the blades sort have a distressed wood appearance, and the lights resemble mason jars.


Farmhouse Style Small Bedroom Remodel

And without further ado!!  Our French country farmhouse style master bedroom!

Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

That rug is possibly one of my very favorites and can be found here!

Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

Our bed set is the Harlowe Patchwork quilt set from Pottery Barn, but it isn’t available any more.

Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

Our bedroom furniture is by Hooker in their Corsica style. Hooker furniture is AMAZING.  Truly I cannot recommend it enough.  Fair warning though – it is HEAVY.  You have been warned.  Our bedroom suit can be found below!

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Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

Those boot shelves I made out of the same 150 year old barn beams.  The paint we used in this room was Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams and has become a favorite of mine. 

I love the color palette in this room and will probably do something similar in the master again when we build.  Have you read The Best Farmhouse Style Paint Guide?  Check it out and PIN it for your next paint project!

Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

Again my favorite rug!

Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

Love, love, love this dresser

Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

It has a jewelry drawer with a sliding insert, an outlet strip integrated into the back, and a cedar drawer for sweaters!

Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.
Before and After French Country Farmhouse Style Bedroom Renovation

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Before and After Gallery

Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation
Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.
Before and AFter French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation
Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.
Enjoy ideas for maximizing the space in a small bedroom with the before and after gallery of our farmhouse style small bedroom remodel.

Before and After French Country Farmhouse Style Bedroom Renovation

Video Tour

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Thanks for joining us!  What do you think?!

Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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Before and After French Country Farmhouse Style Bedroom Renovation
Before and After French Country Farmhouse Bedroom Renovation

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  1. This room looks amazing!! I love your little helpers, too. The picture with the instructions cracked me up! That’s how I feel every time we start working on our renovation. I really love the closet, too!

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