Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas 2019!

With our family Christmas 2019 card, we are wishing you a very merry Christmas and the happiest New Year!

Only 4 more sleeps till Christmas (actually 3 more sleeps here at Hammers N Hugs because Santa comes a day early at this house)!

Merry Christmas

This elf was in her happy place a couple days ago.  I LOVE wrapping presents.  I blare my favorite Christmas music, drink way too much espresso from our fabulous Lattissima Plus Automatic Espresso machine (read my review here), and eat more Christmas cookies than I am willing to admit (read about our family cookie night tradition here)!

Merry Christmas

By the way, Costco has the best wrapping supplies.  All of the above is from Costco.  I feel a disproportionate level of Grinch-like irritation when using cheap wrapping paper that rips with the slightest amount of pressure or Heaven forbid, hits the corner of a box.

Merry Christmas

Enter Costco’s yearly wrapping supplies.  Quality paper and oh so pretty.

Merry Christmas

You know what makes my heart happy about this pic?  (Other than the aesthetic delight I feel looking at beautifully color-coordinated packages). 

The way it represents the time we will spend together as a family on Christmas day – opening stockings, eating the best cinnamon rolls, presents, playing games, puzzles and BEING together.  Taking it slow.  Enjoying our time.  That is what makes the day extra magical.


Before you click on the above video – STOP.  Take a deep breath.  I am serious.  Take a moment and completely breathe out.  Then slowly breathe in your nose and out your mouth.  This time of year can get hectic. 

NOW.  Click on the video above.  Keep deep breathing because the ending will take your breath away.

Merry Christmas

Dear readers and friends, we have so many fun things ahead in 2020 – more giveaways, local partnerships, lots of DIY tutorials, before and afters, yummy recipes – but for now, we are sending you our family Christmas card and wishing you a VERY Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!


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